The Formula for Measuring the Success of a Mobile Game

Measuring the success of a mobile game is a complex task that involves a number of metrics. According to a recent LinkedIn poll, the best way to measure the success of a mobile game is through player retention, followed by player feedback, downloads, and the happiness of the game development team. 

It’s not surprising that player retention was the most popular answer, as it provides information about the game’s current health and performance. Users who have a high retention rate are more likely to spend money on in-app purchases. 

Downloads, on the other hand, seemed to be a more popular option. It’s common to see ads that say, “already downloaded 5 million times” or “join 10 million players,” and many people may regard this as a success factor. As the second most-voted option, player feedback is also important because it helps developers understand what parts of the game people enjoy and what could be improved. Nonetheless, it is important to note that positive or negative feedback does not always reflect the overall performance of the game. A game with a very aggressive balance, for example, aims to monetize on a few high-spending users, but most users will complain that they can’t progress without purchasing helpers. 

Installs, conversion rates, revenue, average revenue per user (ARPU), and average revenue per paying user are just a few of the metrics that can be used to assess the success of a mobile game (ARPPU). These metrics can aid in determining the game’s return on investment (ROI) and long-term viability. 

Success is a complex and multifaceted concept, and different people may define what it means for a mobile game to be successful differently. Positive ROI may define success for some, while creating a fun and engaging experience for players may define success for others. Finally, in the world of mobile gaming, a combination of hard work and a little luck can be the winning combination.